

While waking up from his deep slumber, a man suddenly felt that his abdominal cavity contained snakes. As a consequence of this delusion, he suddenly felt abdominal colic. He immediately rushed to a nearby hospital and underwent numerous diagnostic and imaging tests to confirm the presence of snakes in his abdomen, but he was surprised to know that all the tests came out to be normal.

Still adamant about his delusion belief, he consulted numerous doctors in the hope of finding his correct diagnosis. But everywhere, he got disappointment.

In the end, he decided to meet a famous and popular doctor in his town. He visited his clinic and narrated his arduous hospital experience at different hospitals. The doctor understood his problem (of delusion) and confirmed his suspicion of having snakes in his abdominal cavity.

The doctor told him that he would need surgery to take snakes out of his abdominal cavity. The man got satisfied that his diagnosis was confirmed, and he consented to the surgery. The next day, the doctor anaesthetized the man but did not perform the surgery. He made superficial cuts on his abdomen and sutured them. The doctor brought a jar of dead snakes and placed it near the man.

When the man regained consciousness, the doctor showed him the jar of snakes and told him that the operation was successful. The man got elated and praised the doctor by holding his hands. "You are the best doctor. You have diagnosed my disease and treated me well. Other doctors were too imbecile to diagnose my illness and told me that everything was fine," he said.