

Jared Chapter 7
Rory awoke late morning with a grin, no one could put a damper on. Stretching out across her bed her body was still alert from the night before. Feeling around she realized she was alone. She knew when she fell asleep Jared was there but now there was no sign of him. She rolled over to look for her phone but in her excitement at last night’s activities she couldn’t remember the last place she had it. Rory got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

After a long hot shower, Rory brushed her teeth and pulled on some sweats. It was Sunday, which meant a day of cleaning and laundry, both were things Rory hated doing. Padding into the family room there was still no sight of her phone. Brushing it off Rory got to work on her “chores”. Being single, if she didn’t do it no one would.

By the time mid evening rolled around her chores were done. It was past dinner time and the hunger was real. Heading into the kitchen to heat up some food Rory noticed there were still glasses on the patio from last night and went to grab them. As she bent over to pick up the glasses something shiny caught her eye from under the sofa. “My phone” she exclaimed and swiftly picked it up. Turning it over she had 5 missed calls and 10 text messages. Rory rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to whip up something quick to eat. She leaned against the counter waiting on her keto friendly meal to nuke scrolling through her call log.

Four of the missed calls were from Jared and one from her mom. Rory opened the text messages next.

Jared: 2:30am Sorry to bail on you but I needed to get home.

Jared: 2:45am I am home and heading to bed. Had to make up an excuse for the girlfriend.

Jared: 3:00am Thank you for the best night of my life! Goodnight

Jared: 10:00am Rory.. wake up!

Jared: 10:30am Rory where are you?

Jared: 10:45am The girlfriend is calling... this should be interesting.

Jared: 11:00am She’s acting suspicious asking
me questions about where I was last night. She's not believing the story I told her.

Jared: 4:00pm Rory where are you? I need to talk to you!

Jared: 5:30pm She's supposed to be here any minute. Why aren't you answering my messages I need to talk to you!

Jared: 6:00pm I am on my way to dinner with your ex-husband, his new wife and my girlfriend. I have no idea how I am going to sit through dinner and drinks and look him in the face after what we did last night. Let alone deal with the "death daggers" I am getting from her.

Rory looked at her phone and smiled a mischievous smile. She knew he was having dinner with her ex tonight. It had been planned for weeks. Rory also knew being the playboy Jared was it was pure torture not to spill his adventures from the previous night to his long-time friend. Rory picked up her phone and

Rory: 8:00pm Hope you had a nice dinner. See you soon! XO

With that message Rory blocked Jared’s number and deleted the messages. Rory smiled to herself, and a sense of calm came over her. Not only had she regained her sense of worth she regained power over her body again. Who would have thought that doing something so bad could feel so good. That one amazing
night would open the doors to other sexual experiences. Head held high Rory snuggled into her couch, opened her laptop, and began to search for her next experience.

Stay tuned for more of Rory’s Adventures!

© TheBratBox