

Part 2–Whispers of Time–Chapter 7–Adopted

Her perfect refuge consisted of jars, stolen from the staff room. She had already cleaned a jar with her finger quickly stuck in her mouth, not to waste the goodness of Heaven. She had to share it with someone and surely Ethan wouldn't refuse it. She went up to the attic, he wasn't there. She got panicked. She almost thought they gave him to that hole in the back yard where the dogs sleep, but there was nothing there. The idea came to her that they took him to another orphanage, but that wasn't good either. She calmed down a bit when she heard hustle downstairs. She stood with her ear pressed against the director's door, choking with bitter and slightly sweet tears. His name was enough for her to understand the situation. She reached out for him, not to leave him alone, she wanted to be with him, forever. Fingers gripped his sleeve hard, tearing off a piece of it. Ethan with tears in his eyes struggled to free himself from Honey's hands. She couldn't help him, she was trying to hold him and not hurt him. She whispered to them to calm down, that nothing bad was happening. The people who came after him would take care of him, and it was read in their tender eyes. They thought they have in front of them a playful, stubborn child. She wanted him friend not to leave her in this bad world, and he was of the same opinion. Adults didn't understand, they didn't get their circuits to work properly. Separated by fate, Mey grabbed onto a still, wanting to get out. Honey took her from there, sensing her pain, but better not to hurt herself. Her head bowed, her gait pressed, nervous, they took her upstairs to the attic. She collapses into her still warm bed and allows the roar of feelings to wash over her. She was screaming inside. She hated that he didn't stay longer, that he left her alone. He managed to take care of them, more like a knight. The memory of him saving her from a boyish haircut was still vivid. Now, curled up, she felt abandoned for the first time.
She turned on her side, looking at the olws nest, so peacefully they slept up there. She thought she should do the same. Longing pierced her heart as if a lifetime had passed since the tragedy. Slowly, a foreign, dilapidated city fit for ghosts was to be her new home. The streets showed her maps spread across the surface of a desk. Beside her, sitting on a small chair, was a person, and all that was distinguishable was bright red hair. Red color led her to a blanket made of moving patches. Beneath their own feet writhed corpses taken out of a macabre scene. She couldn't advance among them, as if she were bound to death, so inevitable. She felt she had lost more than she realized. Awake, she decides to go out to the threshold, no more. The silence between night and dawn had always fascinated her. The first white invaders were falling from the white sky, destined to end Hell on Earth.
© BlairAmy
#adopted #orphanage #lost #memory #past #miss
PS: Just editing I started to cry, but I am fine. I've no reason..