

To be stronger
The light of the day. That is what you once were. The years piling up. Is it a few years too many? Has a good thing become poison. Or is this my, self doubt? Maybe it is disbelief that suddenly you are the one pulling the trigger. After all the bullets I would take for you. Like everyone else. I'm useless to you once you have what you need. My mind, my intelligence; coupled with my ability to make something from nothing. You don't deserve my kindness. I should be stronger. I should be braver. To let go of something that is choking me. Time doesn't make things great. Time gives rise to self reflection. The realisation that you are only there, when you need me to do something for you. Where were you when I was breaking apart? Where were you when I wanted the world to stop? Where were you when I needed you? You just told me to sort myself out. Like I even knew what was wrong. Maybe you need to grow up. See the world from another's perspective. See the person as, individual. Maybe this is just pointless.

© SusanPS125