

"Krishna.... listen to me please.... please....just look at me...listen to me... please .. are you mad at me ?
don't you want me with you?
plese don't do that.... plese atleast tell me what's my fault...please Krishna....."

but he didn't listen my pleas. he's been like that for some days.he ignored me like I wasn't there anymore. I called him by his name...he turned back hastily looked away..like he didn't want to see me !

he loved it when i write for him at times sang for him so i wrote a poem for him...
waited whole day to recite it for him
night came embraced coldness and silence in its arms.
i recited for him..

loved you i but never i faked
wasn't i that love your so me made
understand my emotions
please don't me hate
I've only you, you're my love
you're my soul mate
to appolize ,
this poem i write
you don't even know
my mind with my heart on worst fight....

he heard my voice,came out,gazed at me but didn't say a word. his dazed face deavasted me , blasted my happiness in seconds. he stepped back like i was dark in black night and he didn't see me even.

i walked after him and screamed his name
but he screeched and went away...he heard my foot steps ..in a abandoned house...where nobody lived without us...and killing silence ....he got stuuned for while...then ran away...but wasn't i able to go after him inside the room.
i was waiting outside for him..

why he so dejected ? what wrong had I done? whose fault it was?
i was absent even in my presence!

He used to say that" love is beyond touch.being physical ain't love only...
Love is an act...we have to do or show our love through our actions!!'

but why he got changed now?
was it coz of my physical absence?
it was just coz that my soul left my body?
coz he could not see me?
just coz i appeared only at night and disappeared in a day?
just coz I screamed out my pain and his name at night?
shouldn't he still love me
the way he used to?
Please say him I miss him...
I can't think anything without him ..
he did feel me....but blindfold of disbelief
would not let him see me...
is there any way...to be together?
if so...what it is?
i want to be with him... please tell him not to afraid...i won't hurt him..i love him...plese tell him to talk to me...to listen me.... please tell him...!!!

© Old_Soul