

resonating with energy, although I feel so exhausted.
resonating with the universe. trying to listen to what it has to tell me on a daily basis. although I feel exhausted and my body is trying to heal itself. I definitely need to go to the doctors, however I've been putting it off for a year now.

It's a bright and sunny day. listening to the silence. trying not to interrupt my inner narrative and trying as I might to stay conscious to my reality. not succumb to some fantasy that I'd much rather see than what's in front of me.

I need to clean my house however haven't had that much energy. I work full time, I have hemorrhoids like you truly wanted to know that, maintaining relationships that I have within my daily life. I definitely need to pay more attention and nourish some of them more consciously like I need to pick up the phone and call my mother especially on a daily basis. one day she won't be here and I would want to hear her voice once more. I know that I'll have the memories of her and I to cherish within time, although I must enjoy her presence while she is still here upon the Earth.

I love the feel of energy coursing throughout the universe and telling me so much as it keeps me informed though. so many have lost touch with this ability in their day-to-day life because they are so swamped. It just takes a couple of minutes out of your day to truly enjoy what is and what shall be.

like words being lost within the waves of time. the current of the waves drag them under within history as well as our opportunities within our lives and those that we love and should cherish. eventually, we all become lost within the pages of time and some are so fortunate to become known throughout history itself.

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!