

How exactly that happened!
Episode 3: Grandpa is here

My parents told me that my grandfather is coming to see me. The thing is my parents don't like him. I have heard them complaining many things about him but grandpa is strict and serious that's why father was scared of him. When he tells about his childhood, he says grandpa used to train him, teach him lots of stuffs though he never learned them. As I remember, grandpa has always been nice to me.

Next day, I woke up, I climbed down the stairs and started brushing my teeth. I heard grandpa's voice. He was already here. Shini said that he is feeling a dangerous presence around. He also told me the person who has arrived has stolen my dear Bellus. It's just that he is so annoying.

( Shini is a nickname given to Shinigami a.k.a Mr. Ex Death.)

Of course, that cat was sitting on grandpa's laps, I saw it from the key hole of the door. They all seemed like having a serious conversation. I don't know what they were talking about but my guess was, it was probably about me. Waking up after five years. How could I manage to join a high school after skipping the previous classes. How could I keep up with everyone. Huh! It was not like it happened because I wanted it to. But I don't even know what happened. They don't tell me. It was like my parents, they were keeping their distance from me after I returned home.

Soon they called me. I entered the room, everyone was looking at me like they saw a freak.
My reaction was like,“ What?”
They asked me, “What is that thing in my shoulder?”
Woh! They could finally see him, they could see Shini I guess, it was a relief for a second until I saw the fear in the eyes of my parents. Am I that much weird?
Death was like- Muhaha! I have cursed your daughter and if you want her back, give back my baby, my dear Bellus!
This time Bellus stood up and scartched him all over. It was a right thing to do.
Grandpa seemed to just seeing three of us. I and Bellus were trying to keep Shini quite. His stupid talks are so lame.
The scenery changed, I saw myself, Bellus and stupid sitting on one side and my parents and grandfather on the other side. The atmosphere felt tense. Then grandpa asks me, “How am I?”
I replied, “I'm all good.”
There was a sudden silence then he shouted, “I am proud of you. You already have a familiar at this age.”
“What! familiar who?” I said.
He told me that black cats are rare. In the academy, there's a famous story about a cat who balances all 9 worlds.
He seemed too excited about Bellus I guess.
Shini interrupted and said, “That is the same cat lowly humans! Kneel down.”
Grandpa told me that I should throw away that useless thing, he was referring to Shini.
Shini was like- Know your place human. Who are you calling useless! I am a living weapon. A grim reaper.
I listened him and grandpa quarrelling for about an hour. My parents they were shocked enough that they didn't know how to react.
I then asked grandpa, “What academy he is talking about?”
Something triggered in my mind, grandfather is the head of the academy called “Orbis Terrarum Statera”. It's totally a creepy place. I don't like being there.


It fascinated me. Grandpa said that their job is to balance the human world, to stop it from interacting to the things they call unworldly. It felt like I entered an anime world. He then told me the reason he came here was because he wanted me to join it.
I asked him if I could learn magic there.
He says of course every kid here knows a little magic.
Suddenly the whole atmosphere turned silent. My parents then interrupted and said it's nothing. Grandfather told them that it's time to tell me everything.

After hearing the truth, I just ran to my room and closed the door. Now, I knew the reason why I never had any friends. But it doesn't seemed to fit right. I mean I was living there since I was born. How couldn't I notice something like that. Does that mean I am that much that I couldn't even see it? Why I never knew?
I was sent to a school where they teach about science since my childhood. It just so unfair.
How I turn out to be like this?

Time stopped...

Bellus came in and said, “I told you that you were dead, right! The thing is that you could not cross that door because you're really cursed. In every life when you die, when you try to cross the door, you get end up in different world before that. It is not that they were hiding anything. Your life just never ends. You don't remember anything because of them, those librarius.”
WTF! my brain couldn't handle that stuff. I guess I wanted to take a nap that time.

When I woke up my parents didn't remember anything about Shini and me having any conversation with Grandpa. They told me he has already left. He just came to tell us about having a place for me in the academy.

© Imagine
I don't know how it's going! (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠)