

Me and my crazy besties (Story Part: 3)
We came in 7th class. And in this class, Tanu and I became each other's best friends. Got my tuition arranged after school. And I thought maybe I would be alone but after I went there I came to know that Tanu also goes to that tuition classes.

It was because of these tuition classes that Tanu and I became close to each other.

Tanu's elder brother and her younger cousin brother also used to come for tuition with us. And all four of us used to go after school.

I used to take tiffin from home. Because we did not have time to go home and eat our lunch...

Especially Tanu, she lives 10 km away. She always travels by bus with her brothers to school.

Therefore, Tanu and I used to share the lunch that I brought from home.

We were not that close friends. Then Tanu and I started understanding each other.

One day, I, Tanu and her younger brother started having fun together, because there were only three of us in the classes.

All three of us sat on the last bench and leaned together towards the back. Because the bench was not heavy. Because of that, as soon as all three of us bent backwards, the bench lifted from the front due to the weight we three were giving.

All three of us fell down. When we stood up, we saw a student coming. We quickly made the fallen bench stand. Because we were afraid that this student might complain about us to Sir.

Before he came inside the class, I and Tanu took science and maths textbooks and placed them on the bench.

Then to show that we were studying, we started asking doubts from each other. That student came to the class but he did not care about us, he kept his bag and went out of the class.

All three of us were unnecessarily scared because of him.

One day I asked Tanu a question because I curious to know from Tanu what kind of friend she considered me to be.

Me siyu: Tanu, who is your best friend?

Tanu looked at me smiling. And I was anxious to hear her answer.

Tanu: You are my best friend.

I couldn't contain my joy after hearing this. I asked, "Really? You consider me your best friend?"

She answered yes !!

She also asked me the same question and without wasting any time I replied to her and said, "You are my best friend!"

She was happy to hear... And from here the friendship between me and Tanu became very deep.

To be continued

© siyu_story