

"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen

I turn away from the television, looking towards my son. My child. He'll be four in a week. His sleeping figure lays sprawled on the bed. I look towards the clock on the wall. It reads 5:58 AM. I walk towards Jael's bed, my feet padding against the cold tile floor. The room is dark and I nearly run into his nightstand. I swear that thing is out to get me. I huff as I sit down beside him and stroke his small cheek. My baby. I feel my body begin to shake as the tears rush down my face. I hear cars begin to flee the area. probably to see their families.
I inhale sharply. One day. Thats all we have left. If you look up at the sky you can see it. You can see the asteroid. It looks so far away, But we know better.
My baby. I stroke his face again. Just like the extinction of dinosaurs, but this time its worse. This time Earth will be obliterated. Ive been reaserching and studying its movements. I was the astrologer who had to report day after day. Why me? Wilhelm could've had this assignment. I had to go to countless interviews. I had to look at the shellshocked faces of the people. I had to watch caos break throughout the crowds. We have one day left. actually, twenty three and a half hours. And my son won't get to expeeience it. He remains here. White covers and the white pillows. The beeping monitors. No. My son will never experience the gift of life again. But I can't pull the plug. Not yet. I need him. I need my baby. I break into another fit of tears.
The nurse walks in, "Are you sure you want this?" I not. "I don't blame you." She pulls the plug. His heart rate drops. He stops breathing. I'm alone. I forced myself to do this. I regret it.
It's four o'clock. I sit on the roof of my house, staring at the stars, the moon, the asteroid. I watch as the inevitable happen. Gravity pulls the asteroid towards us. I watch the ball of flames fall to Earth. It gets hotter and hotter. The huge rock takes up the sky. Its early. My calculations were off. It closes the space in minutes and I feel and hear the rumble from the impact. I'm blasted away. pain runs through me. Then, it stops. I feel the heat and hear the screams. Then, it fades away.