

Are you in the woods yet?
Juliet painted me a blue sky, but yet you ruined my image.
I'm afraid too,
It's scary to interfere.​
I could have spoken up to your face
My current situation where am i,

It doesn't have to do with you. It's personal, but you don't listen to me.
My fairy tale doesn't have a happy ending, but I know, baby, I want you Ky! While you are wrapping me with your love.
I want to hold your hand because I want to hold you too.

I fell into your trap because of Emily Garza,Yet
you have failed To understand me? I asked myself, why? I asked myself why you ever had a job in America? You claim that you are helping me, but you are not. All we are doing is tearing us down.

You shut me down and I asked myself!
What should I do in life? I don't know what my pathway is.

Only I can change my future.…. But I don't want to be pulled into some written contract.

It's because of this….