

Kindness Can Kill
I was afraid of the light, and i was always living in the dark, but then one night you show before me, in first i was intersted because i saw you preety intelegent and caring, and i say what a creature, i saw goodness and intelegence from you....hm, maybe she is special to reconize true potential, and be able to fulfill my expectation that i was hiding long time, i was thinking she has something that i was seeking... Many months passed and that woman was losing my respect day after day, i was realzing that her goodness was not goodness but stupid action based on her emotions, and not able to judge the other persons, sometimes even when she know the intention she was not able to say no or maybe she was liking atention of others to feel herself special, she was not stupid but on the contrary a fox, wanted to play along with her goodness and forgeting, playing with her kindness, she was a good master of manipulation... But that intelegence was only on the botom enable to saw the full picture and to realize something more.... even now she has potential to become very superior but her emotions, and not able to saw the full picture will stop her... she was not that i was looking, but i will respect her always, she has not bad soul but problem is she can see behind walls ... definitely deserve someone that will treat her like special one, but with these kind of people is easy to deal... she also have fears from many things and can confront them, and then will turn intro coward always will thinking to protect herself in any cost, because if not she will ruin the picture of incocent child... definition of her Is: Little girl that is selfish want to be watched like good girl from others,she is coward who will always want to protect herself, she is afraid of reality, and of her to see what she really is, and what she can become...and then shown her side to help everyone on people that doesnt even deserve to live that are thereat to others, but she doesnt understend if she help them she will do more chaos than order....

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