

Inside Traitor
Well , isn't this a suspicious thing to get annoyed & jealous over such tiny things...why always settle for less is the biggest ride ever. One who always crumbles whenever it comes to their own peace , is the one who makes vows & so called sticking till eternity with others. it's the inner traitor who'll end up alone in agony and self doubts , a never ending burden of just knowing in answers(it feels like sitting in waterfall , every fallen drop is equal to getting a step away from your true joys ).there is no thing such as breaking down & falling apart , it's just you haven't realised that majority of seat's are just empty nd the special front one has seat belts too but you had willing stepped out from ride. From the darkest & deepest night to the brightest dream & moon still is unfiltered.
Things go quite right when one is willing to make that one all time sacrifice over the god's will , still the spots in the moon are not completely flawless & clean .

To be continued
© -YB