

A Catherine Murphy’s Story
Catherine Murphy was born in Memphis Tennessee on September 26 1937 her parents names are Shug Murphy and Sir Alexander Murphy I Catherine has seven brothers and one sister their names are Kenny, Iuventhian, Freddie Sr., Ralphburn, Wellford, Sir Alexander II, Limpy, and Beatrice. Catherine’s mother Shug adopted a baby boy back in 1936 his name was Bobby Cool but he changed it when he got older he changed it to Big Daddy Cool. Catherine’s mother’s name is actually Ry’Anne Murphy but she prefers to be called by her nickname Shug. Catherine and her family really didn’t have much only thing they had was love they all loved each other Catherine’s mother Shug taught them how to love each other when Kenny was a teenager he helped raised Catherine Kenny was the eldest brother he took care of Catherine even when their mother got sick and couldn’t do anything. Catherine and her family moved a lot they moved from places to place they lived in United States then they will move to London England and move back down to the United States Shug is a very wise caring Christian woman she takes her and her family to church every Sunday, Shug can be a little bit controlling but not as bad she doesn’t stand for nonsense and she doesn’t like when her children be lazy she will start yelling if work hasn’t been done in the house. Shug remembers the Bible verse where it says about the seven deadly sins she saw that being lazy is apart of the seven deadly sins. Sir Alexander Murphy I is the children’s father except Kenny because Kenny has a different father but he did when Kenny was a baby his name was John Kingston. Catherine and her siblings had to do a lots of work if they wanted something they had to milk cows, saddle up horses, feed the chickens, feed the ducks, feed the donkey and feed the goats. If the boys wanted new horses they had to take care of the one they had and if Beatrice wanted some bubble gum she had to clean the donkey she had see back in the days Catherine and her family didn’t have cars to drive they had horses to get them around. Catherine had a brown Quater Horse she ride side saddle see back in the days Catherine and her baby sister Beatrice had to ride side saddle on their horses. Catherine’s first horse was a brown mare named Jutlynn and Beatrice she got a horse after she finally took care of that donkey they had any time Beatrice forget to take care of their donkey named Bailey Sir Alexander I will get that belt and start whooping her if Beatrice ask for a horse their daddy will say if she learns how to take really good care of Bailey she will get a horse. Taking care of Bailey was Beatrice’s job Catherine’s brothers had to saddle up horses including their father’s horse every week their father had to go to work if he doesn’t see his horse isn’t saddle he will go and get the belt and start whooping the boys because it’s their responsibility to make sure that their father’s horse is saddle. When Catherine got older she got married to a white man named Sir Bean Murphy and they had their first child back in March 22 1959 Sir Wilbert Murphy then later in years they had more children Catherine has two sons and two daughters. Sir Wilbert hasn’t done anything much he was disabled he couldn’t really do anything much he died back in 2022, Lorraine works at a hospital, Gayle works at a hair salon, and Olin was in the Military.
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