

just a small request....
#Writc# something that increase ur distance from ur own child...

To - every parents...
dear parents it's neither a advise nor a suggestion. it's just a request , just a small request........
These words are something that ur child want to tell u but stoped by a invisible wall that build betweem u and ur childen .i want to ask .?? i know i dont have any write to ask but still i want to ask " dear parents did u remember last time when u ask ur that " dear son or daughter did u have any problem that u want to share with me. or is their any thing that u want to share with me" did u remember ...I know the answer....
I am glad and very lucky because I still have to answer to those questions every day . but if ur parent dosen't ask it doesn't means that they don't have heart or they don't care ...
remember they still care about us but some how that bond between we and our parents are not like usual days .

if parents doesn't ask these question then it's does't matter..but these question that looks like simple lines
if parents ask these question after hearing those words from parent's that moment is just like a magical moment when half of ur problem, ur burdens are relaxed......
did u remember ..
when the bond of parent'sand child started breaking . no one knew that.
But in our childhood we don't have secrets we don't had any thing to hide.may be those fight with friends and naughty works are still hidden because of the terror of our mom's eyes. but in real u don't hide any thing that time. time passed away but we stoped sharing things to parents....
those thousands of things we want to share but we can't because some how between u and ur parents now their is a invisible wall that resist u , stoped u, make u hesitate to share something .

that bond beacame weaker and that wall became higher day by day ...
But to solve this just a question is enough. " is their any thing that u want to share with me.?? " it is enough to break that wall .
and dear all sons and daughters some time u just tell ur parents " mom or Dad thank u every thing " ur simple thank u can give them a treasure of a endless joy........

I am really not enough qualified to suggest u but I can make a small request. the thing that build me is just these lines from my parents and my simple thank u..
I am sorry if i hurt someone by these words ....it's just some words of some untold child's heart..

by - little z

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