

The Descenders on Earth's
The Cruels Target of whoever thinks they wanna be big and tall like either Two brothers are picking on one another that could badest eruptions at the Dallas plants Saving and being a Hero and that when The Dragon stabled with trunks of seeing girls and men getting from bullies than it's up to the Chosen to take over for GoD didn't create but GOD created and said there will be a tunnels of Dunegons for the Milluemn year will be the Trojan that comes and goes for what reason but this is the Deadly alliances we called Chosen Jam of pickles and Hams would we do if people accept it from a farm for you don't know the Farmer will put in it cause coca cola was in the runs with buying drinks that were that one and they found coke in the bottles they had but you have sicknessess that we're then placed in the Towers of everybody for ever made these are with new ones for I don't think it's a bad it's possible a remake was made of it. The remake was the thing of Pepsi cola but there was also things made in Pepsi that was not good for it caused you to have a thing called Kidney Stones where they put something in you for it could be one for it could be the ending out for people you know who play around too much but you know that is GOD is watching everything by people upset crying and being in different moods like Bullying and killing and circulating the Revolvers on trucks with people shooting the Protection of us but there is one thing to not to try be a police officer that doesn't know anything for you learn Different places like college how to do everything a book of Restful Guides with now the year we live in await the Second Return of the Peace Maker so let's end this and keep our Kingdoms at guard for there was a time Abraham freed the slaves until somebody shot or did it and could reedmers who was night and who was Light for we all know for we will remember the pedstril of the Rapture for we pray to somehow this thing cause it and I pray to GOD I see my cousin for things Like this become experiences for people like who have no but a One bedroom with my lovely friends for we live in a house but AC's are turning to broken circuits and they could say where they either called in late or needed something to look forward and GOD will remember that you a Reedmer and Deadly virus is killing people where this thing is staying on this Earth but I think things gonna happen even more because there no able to go but wanna slippy Rick for people thing life and date the opinion that everybody and some are doing by whatever everybody was giving for people didn't deserve to suffer bin pain for look out for another of Christmas times or others too.So let's hope we end this virus Kept to the Grounder of being there and nothing any throw ups or anything for we will the Ending of this Rapture made or if this was a Jokers game from when the Devil played her swats of Feeding signing going up now cops taking over this was called from the beginning and called New world Order for the locksmith of Kibbles and Grinders of Ancient Slaves that you should not hurt them but treat them with lots of respect and gradual of being a Sweetheart and if it's family or loved one and being there not to Be like a Person taking control of your life but they know they have love but will this End in Rapture or Something other than but bringing back Articles of Consideration for there were members who had to go through it because who ever set up this time and that's why the Pamplet will fold and Desentagreat of the Rips and people this hit and who it for the lovers of the Nation for we don't know if this setup joke or game for you see people in hospitals but how do they get out so let's hope and pray that everybody alright for JESUS is our Father and the Rapture is the Sinster of the Crisis of the Troopers of London Bridges falling down with America Fading
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