

Manage your time
A woman with power knows how to manage her time. Once time is lost it can never be regained. This is why it is prudent to allocate much time first to things that really matter. Remember, a virtuous woman is strategic. When I was studying for my Masters Degree, we had a subject called Decision Analysis. We were given an assignment to discuss what decision will be ideal if you were to manage long queues in a banking hall. The result is not to employ more tellers, as this is the tactical problem. The solution is to reduce the queues by increasing the efficiency of the tellers.

The lesson here is to ensure that you know which issues are tactical and which ones are strategic and those which warrant your time and those you can delegate.
While you cannot do all things, you must aim to manage only those things which do matter.
If your life is planned like that,then you will have no time for gossiping, bickering, complaining or comparing yourself to others.. You will have more time to think through issues that will lead to your own self development and the development of those around you. The world will give you exactly what you think in your mind. If you wake up each day and you think you must paint, that's what you are meant to do. But if you wake up each day and take things the way they come to you, You are destined for failure and can never amount to anything and we make God our creator to be a liar.

This means we are to have dominion over the earth. By making such a powerful declaration God invited us to a higher life so that we could bring Him Glory through what we do here on earth. Why would we then want to limit ourselves to mere mediocrity?
Nothing will happen to us if we have not allowed it in our minds. When you conceive a thought, you start thinking about it so hard it becomes a reality to you. What will happen next is that you will begin to see patterns in the behavior of people and things around you which will resonate with your thoughts. It is why we have people who kill for pleasure. They start thinking about it in their minds and then they want to experiment their thoughts physically. That is how powerful the mind is.

Can you imagine what you to gain if your thoughts were directed towards something more positive? If only we could apply ourselves, we could find solutions to the problems we are facing in this world today including how to manage hunger and how to reduce poverty in the world permanently.
If you look around today, You will see things which were created by other humans. Other human beings designed and created these gadgets we love so much. There is no difference between them and us. They also have access to 24 hours in a day They were also created in the image of God. They also breath the same air and when you cut them red blood comes out of their bodies just like us. Yet what is so distinct and special about them that they are able to have creative minds?
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