

The Unfading Canvas
In a quaint town nestled between hills, there lived a soul whose beauty transcended fleeting thrills. Her name unknown, her story untold, she became the canvas of a tale beautifully unfold.

Life's brush stroked her skin with varied hues—pimples like constellations, dark spots telling stories, life's clues. Despite these marks, a radiant glow, a timeless beauty, a silent echo.

As seasons changed, so did her face, and yet, an enduring grace. Pimples danced like stars in the night, and dark spots added depth, a subtle light.

One day, a curious wanderer passed by, captivated by her beauty under the sky. He weaved a tale of her, a narrative divine, where imperfections became a cherished sign.

In the short story of her life, he found a universal truth—beauty not bound by fleeting youth. The canvas of her existence, rich and pure, an authorless story that would endure.

And so, the tale whispered through the town, of a soul whose beauty didn't need a crown. In the echoes of time, her story would unfold, a testament to a beauty forever untold.
© KM.Pradhosh