

Incredulous (Last Part)
"Wake up! Wake up! Be ready quickly. Today we will shift to our new home." It was my mom's voice. I opened my eyes and saw my mom in my room.

"What! Didn't we shifted yet?" I asked my mom.

"Are you still dreaming?" We will shift today only. Hurry up!" said my mom angrily.

Then I realised that all I had seen was only a dream. Therefore, I got ready and pack my belongings into the boxes.

Later I bid goodbye to our old house. I was excited to see my new home. My dad drove the car and we reached at our new home. I felt surprised when I peeped through our car window. Because, it was the same house which I had seen in my dream.

Suddenly, a woman came towards our car and knocked at the car window. She was no other woman except my new neighbour whom I had seen in my dream. She informed us that we need to wary about our new home. Meanwhile, she told us that the house which we had came to dwell, is a haunted one. She also told us that if we have any problem, she will always be ready to help us.

My parents ignored it by thinking it might be a rumour as they don't believe in the existence of ghosts. They told me that the woman was crazy and a scaremonger as I was feeling nervous. Hence, we entered into our new home.

Before I could comprehend anything about it, the phone rang. It was the call of my maternal uncle. He was inviting us in his daughter's marriage.

Hearing it, I became flabbergasted. I cannot believe my eyes. "Incredulous! It's really incredulous" I said to myself.

© Baishali Mandal