

Rain poured down heavily showing no sign in the weather. Laughter was heard from group of men who are gathered under a tall building.
"Flowers are green, roses are blue" one of them sanged.
"No, it's wrong, it's roses are red, flowers are blue" another man corrected.
"Maybe because Green and blue is my favorite color" the other men laughed.
"You lazy men!, all you do is gossip there are enemies at our boundary" A man shouted not very faraway, the men quickly got up and ran for battle. They found that their enemies was ahead of them and they are very clever people.
Their leader possessed a great power and used it to fight all of them, the enemies ran off scared and a cry of a baby was heard from one of the hut, A man knew who the baby will become but he died before the baby grew up.
Hally Coast is the name of the place where there are many brave men who fight with only swords and other weapons are forbidden, the history of Hally was that a man called Cobham Halls settled down in a place and married a woman, she gave birth to twins, Gabriel and Gaines. Gaines possessed a secret power that he hids but Cobham catches him, so he was forced to put the powers on a weapon, he had to choose one weapon(cutlass, knife, sword, arrow, and stone), he chosed sword unlike His twin who wanted it on arrow because he is good at it. After the generation of Hally because large, the founder and his family died, so Time Fox was given the master of the sword after Gaines Cobham Halls.
© Habeera