

Part 3–Whispers of Time–Chapter 4–The Truth

Walk through the maze with small steps. She was holding an umbrella in her hands, wanting to discover the truth. The pain no longer impressed her. When needed, she knew who she could share it with. She was looking for a familiar name written somewhere on a marble tombstone. It was chilling to read his name. Sequences upon sequences were triggered in her mind. First, she was reliving the image she had given him of the picture she had run from home and found him after they had taken him. A sob escapes her lips, drowning in tears and hiccups. Everything she lost had come back to her mind and now it really hurt. She couldn't believe it. It felt like someone wrote "YES" in blood. She was shaking, not knowing how to pull herself together, but Ethan pulled her into a hug.

–I am here with you, I will protect you.

–If this is all I have left.

–Don't worry. It won't go away.

–What do you want to say?

–If you remember, he will stay with you.

‐I suppose you are right.

Mey wanted to tell him her story, to reveal what she had kept under key for so long. She imagined he would listen to her and laugh at the end, then cry. But Ethan didn't ask her any questions, as if reading her like a book. He searched for her gaze until he caught hers and knew she was right. There was nothing more to add, feeling comfortable around him. He had eased her pain that she had not known how to face. Now she was tying up the pieces, tying up what she had collected so far, and she knew they had reached the end.

© BlairAmy
#end #past #cry #sad #truth
PS: So, this story ends here. I hope it's a good end and I didn't miss anything. :)

Thank you for reading my story!