

We are moving towards the North Sea
passing the church, going west over the sandy fields. Turning sharply in the corner of the small road, you begin to see the farm house just beside "The Man", we called him that, we children, and he got angry wanting to beat us up.
Next to the "Man", Claire lived. Also on a farm. She had horses and geese. The gees also chased us children.

The barn has a green double door. The grown ups call it something else. There is an oil tank beside it, that I use every evening to make the sun go down. I beat it with a stick excactly when the church bells start ringing. I am helping God. I gues I still 🌎 am...

To be continued later 🐊 alligator ❤️

Now is later
To day
I posted
an image
that will go far far out into the World.
That will be remembeted after my death.
That will help people. That is my only wish. Help people who lost some loved one.
Help Women threatened by men.
Help men who beat or kill women to be cured from their hatress and rage.

© Lucia