

The Fair Life Fairness Fair
Life is a fair. I don't mean a "just and equitable" kind of fair—I mean a literal carnival with all the lights, games, and overpriced funnel cakes. When you think about it, isn't life just one big fair? You enter with a sense of wonder and anticipation, only to realize that every game is rigged, every ride has a height requirement you don't meet, and the clowns are more terrifying than funny. It's only fair to mention that some people have VIP passes to all the best attractions, while the rest of us are left in the line that doesn't seem to move.

Even when you think you've finally cracked the system, and you've won that giant stuffed bear by knocking over a stack of bottles, the fair decides to change the rules. Suddenly, the bear is no longer a prize, and all you get is a consolation sticker that says, "Better luck next time." It's fair to say that some people seem to win all the games without even trying, while others can't even figure out how to play. You'd think there'd be a guidebook to the fair of life, but no, you're handed a half-ripped map with a coffee stain and told to "figure it out." Fair, right?

And let's not forget the food at this fair. Sure, it smells amazing, but then you realize it's all deep-fried and designed to give you a stomachache that lasts for days. You want a salad? Sorry, not at this fair. You get cotton candy and fried Oreos, and you'd better like it. It's fair to say that the healthier options are as rare as a unicorn sighting at a county fair. So you just roll with it, holding your stomach and hoping you don't turn green on the tilt-a-whirl.

But despite all the chaos, broken games, and questionable food choices, there's something about the fair that keeps you coming back. Maybe it's the thrill of the unknown, the chance that you might finally hit the jackpot and win that giant teddy bear, or the simple joy of watching other people also struggle with the rigged system. Because if there's one thing that's fair in this world, it's that we're all in this carnival together, and sometimes that's all we need to keep having fun.© Be Kisambi