

Best Friends
(this is the story of my first friend , best friend )

I was 13 , when I shifted to a new city . For me , everything was different , new and exciting until I got admission in my new school . I was afraid of socialising with completely different people . I was afraid of the 'first day' cause children literally stare the hell out of the new student .
I woke up , got ready , and went to the school . Our coordinator introduced me to my class 7th A . I was freakinggg nervous !
While I was walking , everyone stared at me like I'm some kind of a different creature on this planet . I saw one seat left and I kept my bag there . The girl beside me , removed my bag , and kept it on other seat , in front of her .
She said , "her name is same as yours" .
I didn't said anything , passed a forceful smile , and sat silently . Then the girl with the same name as me , came and sat with me , with a cute smile . Said "hello , what's your name ? " , I said "Khushi" . She was happy to know that our names are same !
I felt good talking to her . She was different . Who knew , that first friend will be my best friend. I asked her about the work which has been done till now . She gave her notebooks to me , to complete the work . It was zero period , so I decided to complete my English work .
On the first page , she made some drawing of different things . Longing with confusion , I asked her .. "Why have you drew all this ? "
She told me that these are Pictorial words which are there in the chapter . Everyone has to draw it in their notebooks . I was happy cause I liked drawing . I drew some of the pictures , and then she asked me if she could help , she took my notebook and drew a Snail and then a globe .. she drew this Perfectly !
And then , we always sat together ..Went to ground to have lunch in winters , played a lot in games period , studied together , laughed together . Maybe that was enough for the child to think that we're best friends , but didn't knew the meaning maybe . We were given the tag of best friends . I was jealous when any other girl used to talk to her . Everyone in the class called us "Khushi Square " ..even the teachers .
Once our HRT changed our seats , as we used to talk like a speaker all day . I cried ! A lot ! A lottt ! I used give my HRT a side eye whenever she came in class . I couldn't stopped crying for like 2-3 days maybe .
While I was crying , she tried to calm me down . She didn't cried , at all . Then she finally made us sit together . I was happy . Very happy . Kind of felt like that a huge burden on my shoulders had been taken away . She is Krishna Devotee . Her kind of love and care for him , is unique , which I can never find in someone else .
Then , COVID ! We couldn't go to our new class due to this . Whole 8th and 9th session was online , and our sections were changed as well . I was very sad . I tried to talk to her , but , due to some reasons , we couldn't talk much . I was alone . We distanced a lot and talked rarely . I felt bad . Then , finally , we went to school in class 10th ! Covid was almost gone . I was happy that I will meet her again . But , things changed . Her section was different. I never had any friends in my class . I used to sit alone . I was so Lonely and lost . I felt like no-one is actually there for me . My bag was removed by my classmates from their seats as I was not their type . They abused to me , talked shit and all just because I wasn't like them . I used to cry a lot . No-one knew what I was going through . My everyday was like , I wake up , went to school , cried , was made fun of , went home , with many other difficult problems , cried myself to sleep .
I started asking for help , but stopped as I knew , no-one will help me . Nothing was good . Everything seemed difficult , complicated , weird , unfamiliar , and worst .
She and I didn't talked much . I used to go to her class in lunch break . I realised , that , things are very veryy different .
"It was me , who was trying to find an escape from being alone , and she , who was longing to be alone for some reasons ".
For some reason , that became , one sided Friendship . Many times , I messaged , with no replies in return . My Pov for her , changed . I stopped talking to her too .
I stopped making efforts as I knew , it wasn't worth it . Now , even though we were in same school , same floor , we didn't talked . We were kind of separated from each other . As I'm an extremely emotional person , so obviously , I cried a hell lot again .
Maybe that wasn't her fault . It was something , unexplainable .
Then I hoped that in 11th we'll have the same stream and have same sections. I was sure , that we both will have science . But no , I chose commerce as it seemed a better option for my career , while she went for science . Again , this little hope , was letted down . I stopped hoping or wanting to talk to her . Once , I shared her one of my poem of writco . She shared it with her childhood friend and told him about how our friendship is no longer a part of our life .
He's a kind and generous soul . He was worried about how his childhood friend is worried about this . So he approached to me and told me about it . At first , I was shocked , cause I stopped expecting anything from anyone . We discussed a bit about it . He tries his best to solve all the problems which I faced related to her or my life . He and I like anime , we stated talking about that . We had so many pointless conversations + deep ones . We're online friends , but still , it matters a lot to me . Because of him , I'm able to be in contact with her . We have a group named "the trio" .. We talk , roast each other and sometimes , fight too ( well it's me who does that cause still , I'm unable to fit in , as I'm no longer habitual of being loved ) .
Now , we're in 12th class . Less than a year is left until we pass out from school . Our paths will be different . Our life will be different . I will not longer see her , meet her , or tease her . Maybe I'll be the same person as I was in 8th ,9th ,10th and 11th .
But I'll cherish this one year I have with her .
I'm still confused of we're best friends or not. I don't know really . But to be honest , she's the best amongst the rest and always will be . These two were the bestest friends I've ever met . Maybe this'll not continue forever . But that's okay . I've seen many friendhips ending due to fights and arguments . But reason for ours wasn't that . It was different . She's not the type to fight . She's the one , with the kindest and silliest heart . He , the one , who's rare to find in this world . One of the best male friend I've ever had . He's honest , respectful and have a beautiful heart .

If It won't continue , we'll still have the memories of each other .

© _moonlight