

We Are One !
African Americans: Public service announcement. Your geographical location in America doesn't define your heritage. Your affiliation to groups, organizations or gangs , doesn't define your pigment. We are one ! We came from the same continent. No matter how much currency you aquire , how much affluent status you gain. At the end of the day , out side of your communities, neighborhoods , cities and states. You are seen as African Americans. As one. It's not well he's / she's rich they're not like the rest or no I like them they're one of the good ones. It doesn't matter what other nationality you choose to love or be in a relationship with. You are and will be seen as African Americans. Black is not a nationality , its a color. Every other nationality on this planet is labled by the origin of the country of their heritage not by a color. Europeans , Asians , Hispanics specifically by their individual countries, ( Columbians , Puerto Ricans , Mexicans. ) Indians , Native Americans. Look in a mirror 🪞 and look at yourself. The clothes , jewelry, titles you hold , colors of flags , houses , land , cars , or money in an account means absolutely nothing to those that see you as less then humans. So when you see another melanated person , see yourself in them. ( This is not to condemn or ostracize any other nationality, only to express to my people We are one!) Stand Up , Not like US!✊️
© ockindev213