

Men not gods
Men not gods,
But why then do we claimed to be,
When our behavior, our speech and act
Speaks of pride,
As If we can create and remake,
Pride the downfall of men.

Men not gods,
But we asked for it,
Flesh for flesh,
Blood for blood,
Taking what was not ours,
By being worship like gods,
That Ergo of ownership,
Is very dramatic.

Men not gods,
When we all know that we were sand made flesh,
When we all know that it takes only a blink of 'n eye to die,
When we all know that times count but never stopped,
When we all know that after death we are not sure of the next step.

Men we are,
But gods we are not.
When our selfishness blind our eye to destruction,
When our greed leads us to our own downfall,
As it is written, do not worship another gods than me,
Then why do we claim what we can't control,
What we can't understand,
Men we're, but not gods
So we should cut our coat according to our life size
And stop aiming for what we cannot be.

© Victoria Damilola

Day: 088/100