

what about Congo?

What about Congo?

What about Congo?
Did y’all forget?
Did we forget?
The sufferings
The torture
The difficult labor
All that minin…
People don’t care,
They care about resources
Resources speak….
Makin Africa more poorer
Cos invaders came in suits
Takin all the diamonds and gold
And we just don’t care…
Kids have no home no family
We care about Palestine
Way too much
What the fuck is wrong with us?
I’d like to know…
We should boycott the corporations
That makes Congo a slave…
Congo will never have a break…
When are we goin to stand up
And get all the colonizations clasp for good?
I’d like to know…has anyone donate to Congo?
Has anyone save Congoleses?
I mean history is repetitive…don’t forget
Leopard, he got soldiers to cut off the hands
And got a lot of nerve to justify
Remember that…
We worry about Palestine
But not Congo
Oh yes Congo is black
We don’t save black people
We don’t save Africa
Am I lyin?
Congo is dyin and we don’t give a fuck,
Why am I sayin? It’s the truth…
Phones and iPads technology
Came from that place..
We have that sad mindset that we can’t boycott
Cos we have to pay bills on that thing…
That includes internet….
Who created this sick twisted idea…
What about Congo?
Melaninated nations who live there
Is losin their spirituality and their culture…
Loved ones dyin
And the world was taught not to feel bad
About a country that has a soul…
From the very beginnin….
😢💔💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 5-16-24
© Kai C..