

friends for life
In the vast expanse of life's great sea,
A soulmate friend, I found in thee.
Together we traverse the highs and lows,
Through laughter, tears, and joys that flow.

With every step, our bond grows strong,
A harmony of hearts, an endless song.
In your presence, I find solace true,
A haven of peace, a sky of blue.

Through whispered secrets, dreams untold,
In your embrace, I find my stronghold.
Through storms and shadows, hand in hand,
Together we'll weather, united we'll stand.

In moments pure, and memories sweet,
Our friendship blooms, an eternal feat.
For in your light, I find my guide,
My soulmate friend, forever by my side.

In the tapestry of life we weave,
Our bond endures, it shall not leave.
For you, my friend, are a treasure rare,
In this journey of life, beyond compare.