

What are you, at your core?
Merely human,
Or something more?

Because I'm nothing but a swirl,
Of cosmic dust and dirt,
And yet I am still myself,
Still I am nothing more.

And I'd love you all the same,
If only you were just as me,
The same as what I am.

I wish that I could love you,
I really wish I could,
So honestly sincere,

But sadly that's not something new,
Because I just can't love you for you.

I'm struggling here,
To put you into paper,
So help me pen your story,
To put it into words.

I wish that I could love you,
Dearly, as a faithful friend,
But sadly truth can override,
And overwrite your world.

Because in the end,
The facts persist,
In the end,
You don't exist.

You're all just in my head,
But one day I will make you real,

And I'll put my pen to paper,
I'll write you a world,
That even I could feel.

But sadly though that's not today,
Although I really wish it was.

I wish that I could love your world,
Or even see it clearer,
Instead of through the fog.

But in the end, truth persists,
That world still does not exist.

Because in the end,
You're just my words on a page,
A voice in my head,
Something that, somehow,
I managed to have made.

I wish that I could love your world,
See it as you do,
But until I put my mind to work,
My pencil to the page,
You yourself,
Your world too,
Will simply have to wait.

Because after it all,
In the end,
I will still be forced to face,
The bitter, broken truth.

That your world,
Still does not exist,
At least not yet, that is...

© The Aeth Aero