

Rambling Insomniac...
Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold...
Thunderous chaos,
Drowning in pain,
Mute silence,
No trace of the hurt
that she detain

Downward spiral,
Free falling endlessly
into a dark abyss,
Sleep won't come,
It stays amiss,
Round and round,
her demons chase,
Some lurk in the background,
with some she stands face to face

Exhausted, drained,
her entire body numb,
Her mind won't calm down,
Sleep just won't come!
Holding on to every lifeline,
desperate and cold,
She trembles as her
depression takes hold

Repetitive cycle,
night after night,
She battles through
with all her might,
Peace, calm, rest and sleep,
are no longer words she can claim or keep,
Outwardly smiling as she faces another day,
Inwardly screaming wishing she could just fade away.
© Lolla Smith