

Changing Times
A new day, a new week,
Breathes your precious fragile spirit,
A new beginning, almost frightened to speak,
For it has magic virtues in it

I am changing, it may not be noticeable, however, it seems I'm observing a different me. Not so much in stature, slightly better reducing weight. If you think about it that's a change isn't it. Side tracked now on track. I am alternating obvious weaknesses, by building patterns that strengthen them. Modifying my life into the godly creation who always apply unseen faith. Altering to fit in mother nature's natural flow. I see nature differently, and I applaud when various elements grow. Mutating as a writer because words are respected as very close friends. When beautiful creative words are composing within. I've adjusted the probability of waiting as long. To rebuild purpose, always searching subtle possibilities. To grow wiser. Love passionately. Always the self and those who are close, dear to me. With a change of attitude, mustn't be rude and condescending, superior I am not. When I fellowship with others within multiple levels of thoughts.Wavering subtly but steadily. Waiting for the outcome of changing. Rearranging. Learning gaining. Understanding remaining. True to myself, respectful to every one else. Changing times.
© Daniel Mason