

My Treasure in the Sky
Vivian pot of thoughts
Day 011/100

#SayNoToStealingFromAI #StopPlagiarizingAI

*My Treasure in the Sky*

I dote on you to devote myself to you
That's how much of a gem you are to be sued

and my heart in
collaboration with the angels sings hallelujah for sighting you amidst the stars that shone beckoning me

Others took your silence for negligence but it took me your love to see the difference and spot your resilience
That's how special you are to win my defense

We were wowed and bowed to the creator who bestowed upon us love that has no hole
I hope the sky stays up there for me to look up and gaze at the one who stole my soul

and with you forever is the show and in this love we will flow

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