

I Love and I Hate You
Grey skies and sunny smiles
Black and white
Tip the scales
We tread dual lines

Filled to the brim,
I leak venomous hate
But love still courses
within and spills over this gate

How dare you breed this complexities?
This ought to be
a short penciled line
And you zig zagged it with your lies —
with your inconsistent rhymes!

Now, all I know
Is that love is ache
Lines blur between pleasure and pain
And my attempts —
my reach for normalcy
Is all in fucking vain

Your cracks
Smashed this family portrait
Do you see how our smiles bend?
How much we've all bled?

All because you couldn't plaster
Your dirtied vents
Because you chose to drown
In bottled meds

Now your monsters are still awake
They've managed to crawl inside my veins
I wear your face when they
beat my chest —

When they threaten to dismantle this place
And I fight to not be like you
I feel like shit
when I breathe fire just like you

I'm in therapy to escape your tunes
I no longer
want to be defined by my blues
I seek softer grounds
I want to settle down

I hope it's not too late
I love and I hate

Maybe one day,
This song will
change its tune
© JKeMac