

Yayyy!! 💯 followers 🎉🎉🎊
I don't even know how to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of you 🤐. Your unwavering presence and endless support has kept me going ☺️. You all have made my humble journey a glorious one 💎. Thank you all for being part of my writing journey and letting me know am not alone. 💝 Having besties and an extraordinary virtual family like you is a dream come true😴 🌈. This is a little thank you poem for all of you for supporting me🤗😊

I may not be good with words✍️
Like the great William Shakespeare🤓
I may not be awesome 💎and brilliant🧠
Like the legendary Albert Einstein🧐
But I hope you all understand everything behind my two grateful humble words🙏
You have encouraged, inspired and supported me all this time😍🤩🌹
Without you all I don't think I could ever be fine🤒🙃
You are the magnificent source for my inspiration🌈
You are the reason why I keep on going on in this life and this journey of writing🧚🚶📝
Mere words can't express my heartfelt gratitude💞
Thank you all, my cherished and lovely followers💖🌠
You are all amazing💎💎🌹🌹💖💖
I am forever grateful 🙏😭🤗💖

P.S I may not be posting for sometime😥. Another fabulous thank you to all of you for everything 😁
© Purpleletta