

Magnetic Love Muse
In the depths of night, where shadows weep,
Unspoken words, like secrets, keep.
A heart in longing, tangled and tied,
In the web of love, where dreams abide.

With every breath, a silent plea,
Yearning for love's reciprocity.
But like a magnet, drawn yet repelled,
In this dance of love, alone he does dwell.

Her eyes, a universe he seeks to explore,
Yet his love, unrequited, knocks on a closed door.
Echoes of laughter, whispers of sighs,
Fade into echoes, as his hope dies.

In the melody of their intertwined fate,
He is but a note, left to dissipate.
Longing for a touch, a glance, a smile,
Yet in this longing, he walks the lonely mile.

Oh, how cruel the hands of time,
As they weave a tale of love's decline.
With every beat of his broken heart,
He is within torn asunder, torn apart.

He chooses to let the rain fall, let the tears flow,
For in his sorrow, he has clearly come to know,
That love unreturned leaves a bitter sting,
Leaves him tethered to a solitary string.

But still, he lingers in the bittersweet embrace,
Bound by memories, in the empty space.
For in the echoes of what could have been,
He finds solace in the pain he feels within.

He lets the stars weep, lets the night mourn,
For in his endless darkness, a love is torn.
Yet in the ashes of his shattered dream,
He does infact find the strength to redeem.

For love, though unreciprocated, still remains,
A flame that flickers, despite the chains.
And in the depths of his endless night,
He’ll keep the fire burning, with all his might.

© Metta_Zen

(Muse - Magnetised by Tom Odell)