

A Tear
My "Elephant Ear" 's just shed a tear,
the feeling sent from a plant.
I want to treat it the best that I know,
still there's so much to learn on the go.
They say it cries when missing a mate,
a female plant to communicate.
There's so much to learn from the plants,
as first that they don't lack in intelligence.
As second,they don't calculate their emotion
lead by the life's survival motion.
As third, they are aware,yet they don't care
about the lifetime's longevity,
yet they succeed so perfectly beautiful to be.
I felt sorry for the plant ,
but in the very next moment
I thought maybe it felt the same for me
and cried because we are not meant to be.
Or maybe my image that it received
was the reason its emotions are deceived.
Maybe I took the wrong perspective,
maybe I should be more selective
when sharing my water with that plant.
And eventually maybe I should reinvent
the image of myself and consider that how am I perceived matches with what I vow
to be.

© Bea_Kiddo