

Ode to our Unsung Heroes
Behind the scenes, our heroes toil away.
Unsung, unheralded, yet they remain resolute.
Our lives are full of unsung heroes,
Who dedicate themselves to serving others.

From the cleaner who sweeps the floor.
To the nurse who cares for the sick and injured.
The teacher who shapes young minds,
To the brave firefighter who rescues bravely.
From our parents who care for us.
To the police officer who enforces law and order.

From the cook who prepares our meals,
To the bus driver who transports weary souls,
The social worker who aids those in need,
The farmer who cultivates food.
From the musician who sings ballads,
To our sports heroes who make our countries proud.

We express our gratitude to you.
You make our world a better place.
We can see your hard work and dedication.
We express our gratitude for your kind decree.

Let's toast to you today.
Sing your praises, whatever comes your way.
Our world would be dull and cruel without you.
Our lives would not be as fulfilling.

Our salute goes out to our unsung heroes.
For all the wonderful things you do.
May your voices be heard and your stories be recounted for generations to come.
You possess the hearts of gold.

© Mwebe Morgan