

The love letter I could never send.
My dear first love.

You will always be that person I look for in the crowd of people. You always made me smile. I don't know what made me fall for you, maybe it was the way your black eyes shined. You are the person I am longing to be in your arms. You were my person, my favorite person. You were a lost piece of my soul, and somehow we fit and were perfect together.
You are my thought for the reason I cry and for the reason I smile. Although we were never together , but it definitely felt like we broke up. My heart aches, at the thought of losing you. Writing about you means feeling every emotion that takes place in thought of you; the absence of you in my arms, and the misfortune of not sharing a laugh with you, the uncertainty that comes in my mind when I think of your name.
I certainly didn't know that I'd be so hurt over something that didn't last long and each time you left a part of my soul broke and with every ounce of silence it breaks me to the depth of my soul. I wish we would meet again in another life, and yet would love the same.

© alpha stella