

My inner me
I dreamt of falling down a well,
A narrow tube, deep beneath the earth,
Dark and moist, I saw a small child,
What’s it trying to tell?
Is it asking for help?
or it hurt?
ohh wait.. is that me?
Me as a 10year old??
Tears flow as realisation hits
my ten year old self
embracing herself..
her arms don't reach around properly
tears sting and flow over her chubby cheeks
Voices of so called friends teasing
calling her fatso, chashmis
float in the moulded air.
My grown up self
moves quietly,sitting next to her.
Wiping both our tears
I whisper in her ears
"This too shall pass,
and you will be strong
like a diamond "
She looks up with hopeful eyes
a smile spreads on the lips
but it twinkles not in the eye.
Childhood gone, Innocence lost
She embraces me, becomes me.
The child lost
but not the smile on my lips.