

Please Come Home
as well blame writco won't leave me alone to post whatever image sizs they want me post, so I'll be using default images. So I rage quit that. My images brings the poem to like life. now on to the poem

It's like waiting at home for your best friend,
But they're not coming back, and the waiting won't end.
The things you miss won't present themselves,
It's a never-ending game of hoping to meet by chance.

The chances are slim, but I can't give up hope,
I long to break free from this endless rope.
Sitting in with the wind by the trees,
Side characters people of my imagination, make me feel at ease.

I feel at home, but only in my dreams,
Where I can see their homes and feel their touch, or so it seems.
But reality hits hard when I wake up,
And I realize that my dreams are nothing but a mirage.

So I wait and hope for that slim chance,
That someday, somehow, we'll meet by happenstance.
Until then, I'll keep waiting at home,
For that best friend who's yet to come.