

Walking Midst The Daffodils
Walking midst the daffodils, that Wordsworth famously wrote about
On the waterside of Glencoyne Bay, everywhere they do sprout.
They grow among the mossy stones, in such a beautiful display.
Some rest upon the stones, as if their heads on a pillow they lay.

They toss and reel and dance, encouraging you stop and them photograph.
With the wind from over the lake that blows upon them, they verily do laugh
Providing much cheer to the simplicity, unity and life along that busy highway.
So windy that I could hear waves on the lake, as if I was by the sea that day.

Subtle serene sublime solitude nature offered me in plenitude by the Lake.
Energised me suitably enabling an enlivened hike, all my senses kept awake.
Time flew by at the blink of my eyes as I too floated over vales and hills,
My heart felt filled, my spirit renewed and my whole being feeling the chills.

White billowing clouds on a cerulean sky high above a verdant grassy Fell.
Gorgeous green to magnify placid pellucid ambience, leaving me to feel swell.
Blue lake water an ecstatic beauty, a perfect charm imbued upon my weary soul.
Fantastic enchanting colours amazing, alluring a sense, I'm again feeling whole.

© Metta_Zen