

u're capable so ....
You're capable. So you must believe in you.

And I know there are moments of self-doubt, and self- criticisms, moments when you've forgotten your worth, devalued yourself, times you thought you were less, times you felt unloved, unworthy, or inadequate.

In times like these, you must be kinder to yourself. They're a requirement to finding courage and strength so you may break down the wall standing between who you are now and who you're meant to be.

Fear and doubt will show up, and they should. They open your eyes to who you are and what you can do. They make you ask: What if you lose? But what if there's more? Why you? But why not you? What if it fails? But what if it works? If you win, then great.

if you don't, you learn, and you grow, so you still win. Don't let fear and doubt paralyze you. Don't miss the point of life. Don't go to bed at night-empty. Ask yourself, what would your life look like if you believed? What would it feel like if only you tried?

Who would you be? What will you find? If you tried!!
