

I use to be
I use to be so passionate
People have just sucked it right out of me
I used to be so nice and happy
People have punished me for just being me
I use to trust people around me
Now I just won’t let anybody close to me
I try so hard to just be
Each and everyday there is some kinda big wave
I must meet and I’m so tired of asking for people to just be right to me
I’m so sick of the demons I see just being allowed to run the streets
I use to believe in people now I just don’t know what I see
I use to be full of such fiery energy
Now I’m just so tired I just want to sleep
I find it so hard to just be me
I have to hide my name so fraudulent people can’t come after me
I get so tired of having to hide who I am so people can’t find and hurt me
I use to be so loving now I’m just fucking angry
I’m tired of lying ass thieves
I’m so tired of having to bleed for other peoples wickedness and greed
Just leave me be I don’t owe you a damn thing
Not even my respect really
I use to believe in fairytales and happy endings
Now it’s just a joke that I see
I use to believe in love now I question if it’s even a real thing or just imaginary
I use to be….now I find it hard to believe in anything
© @SimpleMe