

Limz Ice Cold ❄️ Poetry
Here is your text with added grammar and some minor adjustments for clarity:


The regrets in my head—I left them all on the bed. Some said my ears are wet. What expectations can another place on us? If you want more in life, then you must go out and live it.

My words are like the night owl: they bounce around my mind, and in the morning, they board and land on the ground until my fingers touch the screen for the readers to read.

I used to be idealistic, so much so that this poem would have ended like this: I am the table that is not afraid to stand up to bullsh—.

Count your money before you go on a spree or to a party. I am the carpet that gets more feet than an experienced shoe shopper. I could have mopped the floor with my words; however, I only keep myself clean. I leave out the vomit.

Sing your songs before robots take your voice and remaster your eternal choices.
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