

langauge of my tears...
i don't know
it's a flow of happiness or
downpour of sadness
that tears are vanishing
my soul.

it's a moment for which
i dreamt that daughter
will hold the hand of partner
and leave my palm
to fly in the sky of
new relationship.

i'm happy, i should be happy
for her new journey.
but i don't it pinches me
at depth that my soul
is being torned and
i will have to live with partial soul.

she's like a dew,
how can i put her in sunlight,
though her partner is shelter.

she's like a flower,
how can i unpluck her from me,
though her partner is fertile soil.

she's like a pearl,
how can i depart her from the oyster,
though her partner is gold.

she's like a sketch,
how can i allow other to put extra shades,
though her partner is skill artist.

i don't know language of
my tears today,
but i'm happy that she's
going to fly in her sky
and i'm also sad that
she's leaving me,
because my soul is painted
with her footprints of all the sizes.

© jWalant

#EmotionalDuality #jwalant #wordsofpoetry #father #daugher #relationships #marriage