

Melodies Lost: The Tragic Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice

In realms twisted, where ancient myths reside,
A tale unfolds, with a twist to confide.
From Greek lore springs a mythic scene,
A myth reborn with my narrative dream.

In the depths of Hades, a love unfolds,
Of Orpheus and Eurydice, their story untold.
He, a musician with melodies divine,
She, a beauty, rare and benign.

But fate, cruel mistress, their destiny claimed,
Eurydice's life, by a venomous sting, maimed.
Orpheus, shattered, by grief's relentless tide,
Made a deal with death, to change the pained tides.

To the underworld he'd descend with a song,
A melody that could right every wrong.
His lyre strummed, the shadows did sway,
Even Hades and Persephone were held at bay.

Amidst the shades, Orpheus found his love,
With every step, hope blossomed above.
Guided by faith and his love's guiding light,
Together they'd escape the eternal night.

But one condition, by the gods proclaimed,
Orpheus must not look back, never be tamed.
The shadows called, his weakness did try,
And with doubt's whisper, he turned his eye.

In that fatal glance, love slipped away,
Eurydice, forever trapped, bound to stay.
Orpheus, broken, his music lost its charm,
Silenced by grief, his shattered heart alarmed.

From their tale, timeless themes arise,
Love's sacrifice, and the pain it implies.
How our own flaws can bring ruin's embrace,
And the cost of redemption, for love's grace.

So remember their story, young and old,
The power of love, and its tale untold.
For in our own lives, this myth remains true,
Love's journey, eternal, for me and for you.
© Amicable