

Till Death do us apart
I closed my eyes
Tears trickling down my cheeks
Like snow melting on fires

That continuous incessant beep
Of monitors sorrounding you
The smell of hospital sheets
Spirit and chemicals

All were a deathening reminder
That whatever was left of you
Could only survive here
In this labyrinth of tragic wires

I would never see you again
Sunkissed in the winter cradle
Never see you with bouquet in your hands
And your impatient car at my front door
Never see that vivid gleam in your eyes
Neither hear your voice
Nor your poetry
Nor your words

Nor your name

Nor you

Nor you


Wish death could trade souls—
Wish it was merciful

And these hands that were
Ever ready to do anything for you
Are tied to these cruel shackles of time

Half wishing you remained here longer
Half wishing you would be free of this misery


"Till Death do us apart"


Death will bring us together

~the universe in her
© z.f.