

The Frozen River
It rained on the mountain
And the river was born
Like you when you came to my life
My love was born

It flowed downhill
Through the roots
like you did
When you flowed through my nerves

The flow was silent at first
But it gained pace as it moved downhill
Like our love..
It gained it's pace..

Through the roots of the trees
And in between in the cracks of the rocks
Nothing dared to get in its way
With a roar it flowed

It collected sand and stones
the diamonds and amber
the scent of the sandal roots
and so many more like the memories we hold

The birds sang to the glory of it
and rain gave it's might
it healed the souls who touched it
but one day the river froze from inside

The river which once gave life
became as cold as ice
maybe the it happens like that
when the it is dead from inside...