

Love Refugee
My heart is weighed down and my soul is aching.
I am unable to eat or sleep; I am a moving hologram.
My thoughts center around you, my love.
Your beauty remains unmatched, you are like an unbrushed diamond.

I desire to see you one more time and hold you in my arms,
And feel your warm and passionate lips touch mine;
I want to feel the soothing touch of your velvet ebony skin.
You traveled far away in the celestial galaxies.
I am held captive by my own heart.

Every evening, I sit on your dark leather couch.
I cannot endure the agony of my loss.
I stand on your grave site and my heart is saddened.
Sometimes, I wish I were dead.
But who will take care of our brood?

Honey, I must spend my time here,
Even though my heart is breaking into tiny fragments;
We will meet at the end of this earthly journey,
Someday, I look forward to seeing you again.

I will keep you in my heart until then.
Your girls and boys ask me where you traveled.
I have no answers for them yet,
Deep in their hearts, they know you gone forever.
The sun continues to shine on your blooming garden.

© Mwebe Morgan