

Life....A Neon Shine.
Tarry not towards the end,
Await and appreciate,
As you are now,
Your sorrow and your joy....
Are like eons (seasons) coy( modest),
In a calm fixed gaze,
Life is a wonder-struck phase,
In the beaming light,
Life is a firm fight,
When the beauty of life not suited its surroundings better,
That's the time when life fetters,
Same as the flower is lovelier on the bough, than in a golden vase, that's how it maintains its class,
A threshold on sensitive heart,
Flickering light of checkered art,
It could be a moment of auspicious vision,
Getting a coronet neon fusion,
The joy and sorrow are affectionate murmuring,
When life gets a calmer reflection's voice,
To carry the voice of joy and sorrow,
Some sturdy moments you have to borrow,
That's how you will be creative tomorrow!!

© Mishra Poonam