

#Parasitic #Love
They feed on you and grow on you
In shade of love they poison you
As they penetrate your roots
You lose faith in self
Like blood sucking parasites
They thrive on your wealth

As you see the world
Through their schematic eyes
Everything seems blur
You no longer differentiate between truth and lies
Slowly and gradually you lose your life
In no time you are being fed to more parasites

The crown of friends
That used to shine on your head
You throw them out
As you can't see in them, yourself
You stand amidst strangers surrounding you
Not even a single one can pull you out from this mess

We dig our grave
So deep and dark
We scream for help
No one to hear and trust
The hands that were supposed
To caress and love
Put you to rest
Before your time could struck.

© Rreena Sharma